YMCA Healthy Living Magazine YMCA summer 2020-21 | Page 4

REBECCA GAWTHORNE Rebecca is a dietitian and nutritionist . Find out more about Rebecca on her website www . rebeccagawthorne . com . au or follow her on Instagram @ nourish _ naturally .
CHARLOTTE MILLER As a chef and dietitian at We Feed You , Charlotte has created a range of high quality and nutritious ready meals , catering for a variety of dietary needs . Meals are delivered across many parts of VIC , NSW , ACT and QLD . Learn more at www . wefeedyou . com . au or follow Facebook @ wefeedyou and Instagram @ wefeedyou . com . au .


Makes 15 serves
Packed full of berries , oats , nuts and yoghurt – this healthy slice is easy to whip up as a delicious snack or dessert and the best thing of all , it doesn ’ t require baking .
Base layer } ½ cup unsalted nuts ( for example , walnuts , cashews and almonds ) } ¼ cup plain rolled oats } 1 cup Medjool dates ( seeds removed and roughly chopped ) } ½ cup shredded coconut } 1 tbsp honey or maple syrup
( optional , for extra sweetness )
Top layers } 250g vanilla or coconut yoghurt of choice } 1½ cups frozen berries ( for example , raspberries and blueberries )
1 . Place base layer ingredients in a high-speed blender or mixer and blend until evenly combined .
2 . Remove the base layer ingredient from blender and place into a cake tin ( roughly 25cm x 12cm ) lined with baking paper . Press down evenly with a spoon . 3 . Cover the base layer evenly with yoghurt . 4 . In a saucepan , heat the berries over a low heat for a few minutes , stirring continuously . Once cooked , scoop berries and put evenly over yoghurt layer and place in the freezer overnight .
5 . Once frozen , remove , slice and enjoy .


Serves 4 Super simple , yet luxurious – let ’ s talk about stewed summer fruit .
} 500g seasonal stone fruit ( such as apricots , nectarines , peaches , plums – blood plums are a favourite ) } ½ cup water } 2 tsp caster sugar ( optional )
1 . Chop up all the fruit in halves or into slices and discard the stones .
2 . Place the fruit and water in a saucepan .
3 . Try a piece of fruit to test how sweet the fruit is naturally . If it ’ s tart , add the caster sugar , but if it ’ s not , there ’ s no need to add sugar . I personally like the fruit a little tart and rely on the natural sweetness of the fruit , or alternatively , add some vanilla yoghurt when serving .
4 . Bring fruit to a boil then reduce and simmer over a medium heat with the lid on for approximately 8-10 minutes . Keep an eye on the fruit ( reduce the heat if you want the fruit to retain its shape , or leave it for slightly longer if you want the fruit to be soft ). Add more water at any stage if required .
5 . Once the fruit has softened , remove the lid and reduce the liquid to the desired consistency . I like leaving some liquid to serve over the fruit .
6 . Serve the stewed fruit with cereal , muesli or porridge , with a dollop of natural or vanilla yoghurt . Sprinkle with chopped nuts or seeds ( depending on what you have available ).