YMCA Healthy Living Magazine, powered by n4 food and health Summer 2018 | Page 17

3. ARABESQUE HOLD (WARRIOR 3 IN YOGA) 4. SINGLE LEG TOUCHDOWN TO KNEE DRIVE Take one big step forwards. Extend your arms overhead with your hands together. This is a more challenging version of the Arabesque Hold. Stand tall with your feet together and arms by your side. Slowly drive your right knee as high as possible and then extend your right leg back, as you try to touch your left foot with your right hand. As you stand back up, drive your right knee forwards and return to the start position. Repeat five times before switching legs. Inhale and shift your weight onto the front foot as you then slowly lift the back foot off the ground and straighten it until your torso is parallel to the floor. Look down as you stretch your hands forwards and foot straight back. Keep your hips square and try to hold the pose for three to five breaths. Slowly return to a standing position before switching legs. TIP: Do this in front of a table so that you can put your hands on to it if you lose balance. If the back of the standing leg feels tight, slightly bend the knee. Push your foot into the floor and clench your buttocks together. It’s okay if you can’t reach a parallel position, but this should be your goal. TIP: Keep your buttocks tight and breathe into your belly. As this movement becomes easier, you can add a weight in your hands or simply go slower. SUMMER 2018 YMCA HEALTHY LIVING MAGAZINE 17