YMCA Healthy Living Magazine, powered by n4 food and health SPRING 2019 | Page 14

KATE BENNETT, APD & EP Kate is a dietitian and exercise physiologist based in Sydney. She loves working with clients to help them achieve their health goal through practical tips and evidence-based advice. Kate also loves exercising herself and spending time outdoors with her family. www.kbnutrition.com.au TRAINING TO BUILD LEAN BODY MASS Accredited dietitian and exercise physiologist Kate Bennett gives us her top training tips for building muscle mass. ‘D o I just need to train harder to build more muscle?’ is a question frequently asked in the fitness industry. Yes, having a good training program is important, but nutrition also plays a significant role when trying to increase lean muscle mass. You can gain strength by exercising, but to build size you need to eat more calories. Muscle hypertrophy or increasing muscle size, occurs through a muscle breakdown phase followed by muscle protein synthesis. The breakdown phase occurs after a training session – specifically, after a resistance training session. } } Aim to lift heavier weights for fewer repetitions. } } Pushing the muscle by lifting heavier weights causes muscle fibre breakage, which is repaired during recovery, resulting in larger and stronger muscles. } } It is important to complete exercises that target specific muscles as well as those that work multiple muscle groups at a time. } } Complete at least 3 resistance sessions per week, but don’t overdo it and allow your muscles enough time to recover between sessions. Muscle protein synthesis is the next phase of muscle hypertrophy, and where what you eat comes in to play. Protein is the most important nutrient involved in muscle growth. What type of protein, the timing of intake, and your total protein intake all need to be considered when trying to build muscle. } } To build muscle or lean tissue, you need to increase your overall energy intake. Eating an extra 500 calories (2000 kilojoules) per day is often advised, but remember this can’t be any food, it needs to be good quality food; protein, wholegrain carbohydrates, vegetables and fruit. 14 YMCA HEALTHY LIVING MAGAZINE SPRING 2019 } } Timing the extra energy intake is important to ensure it is used for muscle gains, rather than just gaining weight or fat. Having a meal 1-2 hours before a training session will give your body the energy it needs to work hard during a training session. This meal should include both protein and carbohydrates (e.g. it could be a banana or mango smoothie with high protein yoghurt, or a chicken breast and salad sandwich on wholegrain bread). } } Peak muscle protein synthesis occurs within 30 minutes of a resistance training session, so this is the time for a recovery snack. Aim for around 20g of good quality protein. } } Whey protein (derived from dairy products) is believed to be number one for stimulating muscle protein synthesis. This is because whey protein contains large amounts of the amino acid leucine, which is vital for muscle growth. Meat, chicken, eggs, seafood, yoghurt, milk and cheese are all excellent sources of whey protein and, therefore, leucine. In summary } } Lift heavier weights for fewer repetitions during training. } } Consume an additional 500 calories/2092 kilojoules per day with good quality food. } } Aim for 4-6 nutritious meals and snacks per day. } } Ensure you are well energised for training with a meal 1-2 hours before, and a recovery snack or meal within 30 minutes after. } } Make sure meals and snacks contain around 20g protein, ideally high quality protein from sources listed.