YMCA Healthy Living Magazine, powered by n4 food and health Spring 2018 | Page 5

FIONA SUTHERLAND , APD Fiona is the Co-Founder of Body Positive Australia , which supports individuals and professionals to achieve and promote wellbeing and optimal health , by turning away from dietary restriction and unsustainable ways of eating . Learn more at bodypositiveaustralia . com . au



It ’ s never too early to encourage self-esteem in kids , as Fiona Sutherland explains .
positive attitude to food and eating are vital for

A long-term health and wellbeing , and we learn these attitudes from an early age . You mightn ’ t realise

this , but watching your parents and other important people in your life , probably played a key role in the relationship you have with food today . Similarly , your own kids will be equally influenced by your daily approach and attitudes to food and nutrition .
In light of social media and its significant influence on body image , particularly among impressionable young people , positive role modelling by parents has become even more crucial . Here are 10 key messages to discuss with your kids , to help them develop positive self-esteem and a confident self-image .
1 All bodies are valuable and worthy just as they are ( regardless of shape , size , colour , ability or gender ).
2 There are no bodies that are better than , or less than others .
3 Your body is your business , so you can make your own decisions about your body .
5 We cannot tell anything about someone else , simply by looking at them . We can ’ t tell what they eat , how they move their body , how healthy they are , how smart they are – anything !
6 We speak kindly about our own body . We speak kindly about other people ’ s bodies .
7 There are so many things that make people special , unique and valuable . We make an effort to appreciate things about people , which are not about appearance or their body .
8 We do not ‘ call names ’ about someone else ’ s appearance . Ever .
9 Being ‘ body positive ’ is not about having , or achieving a certain body shape . It ’ s for everyone – both kids and adults alike !
10 Everyone can make a difference in helping people feel good , and making the world a more inclusive place . Yes , you can too !
4 Other people ’ s bodies are their business – they get to say what ’ s okay , and not okay for them .