YMCA Healthy Living Magazine, powered by n4 food and health Spring 2016 | Page 7

JOANNA BAKER, APD An Accredited Practicing Dietitian and Registered Nurse, Joanna believes good food should be simple to prepare and enjoyable to eat. At Everyday Nutrition she works with her patients to develop realistic strategies that enable them to eat well, be well and feel great everyday, leaving time and energy to focus on enjoying life. Learn more about Joanna at www.everydaynutrition.com.au or www.n4foodandhealth.com IODINE: THE FORGOTTEN NUTRIENT You probably haven’t thought much about iodine, and you may not know that for the past six years, commercial bread in Australia has been fortified with iodine, making it a major source in our diets. Nutrition expert Joanna Baker explains more. ince October 2009, it has been mandatory for iodised salt to be used in all yeasted bread in Australia, meaning bread is now a major source of iodine. Exceptions include bread mixes and bread labelled as ‘organic’. This occurs in Australia and New Zealand because the soil where we grow our fruits and vegetables and graze our livestock is very low in iodine; this means our food supply also doesn’t contain much iodine. This has resulted in fairly high rates of iodine deficiency in our general population. For example, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reported that prior to fortification up to 25% of teenage girls had inadequate intake, and 43% of Australian adults tested also demonstrated inadequate intakes of iodine. S Why is iodine important? Iodine is an essential trace mineral, which is important for making thyroid hormones. Low levels of iodine can result in hypothyroidism or iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism and are important for normal growth and development, particularly of the brain. Goitre is an enlargement of the thyroid gland and is common in adults with very low levels of iodine in their diet. Symptoms include dry skin, fatigue and hair loss. Iodine requirements increase by around 50% in pregnancy to support the growth and development of the baby. Low iodine intake in pregnancy can result in learning difficulties, intellectual disability or stunted growth. In Australia, it is recommended that pregnant and lactating women take a supplement containing 150mcg iodine per day. If you are concerned then to talk to your doctor or an Accredited Practising Dietitian. Dairy How much iodine do we need? Supplementation Over a lifetime only one teaspoon of iodine is required; however, we don’t store iodine so small regular intakes are important. The National Health and Medical Research Council recommend a daily intake of 150mcg per day for adults and 220mcg (150mcg supplemental) per day for pregnant women. Other food sources of iodine In addition to bread, here are some other common sources of iodine, which may already be in your regular diet. Seafood Fresh fish, tinned fish, shellfish and seaweed are all good sources of iodine. Iodised salt Iodine-fortified salt is widely available; however, the use of salt in general has decreased due to increased awareness of health concerns, such as high blood pressure. The increased availability of gourmet salt products, such as ‘sea salt’ and ‘Himalayan pink salt’, which are sometimes mistakenly spruiked as healthier choices, has tended to reduce the use of iodised salt. Historically, milking equipment was cleaned with iodine, which ensured dairy as a source of iodine in the Australian diet. This has now been phased out however, so dairy products are no longer as high in iodine. An iodine supplement is assessed on an individual basis, depending on your specific requirements. Many pregnancy and breastfeeding vitamins contain iodine. Note: it is recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding women consult their doctor before commencing supplementation. Iodine is important for general health and wellbeing, and is particularly important in pregnancy to support growth and development of the baby. Since most Australians get more than enough salt in their diet, and considering the health concerns of a diet high in salt, it is not recommended that you start adding salt to your food just to increase your iodine. However, if you are someone who limits the amount of bread you eat, makes your own bread (from a mix or from scratch), or buys an ‘organic’ variety that is not fortified with iodine, then you may want to consider including other sources of iodine in your diet; or if you are concerned, consult your doctor or an accredited practicing dietitian for individualised advice. SPRING 2016 YMCA HEALTHY LIVING MAGAZINE 7