YMCA Healthy Living Magazine, powered by n4 food and health Autumn 2019 | Page 8

MARNIE NITSCHKE Marnie is an Accredited Practising Dietitian at www.n4foodandhealth.com. She also consults in clinical nutrition at Epworth Healthcare and in private practice at Everyday Nutrition in Glen Iris and Ashburton (www.everydaynutrition.com.au). HEALTHY SNACKING FOR HOME, WORK & PLAY Healthy snack tips for optimum energy all day, every day. nacking is part of balanced eating, and helps us meet our nutrition needs. It’s especially important for children (who have smaller tummies and high energy needs), and people who struggle with energy ‘dips’ and poor concentration. Snacking can become problematic if you’re always reaching for energy-dense but nutrient- poor options, or eating when you’re not actually hungry. S With a little bit of planning, snacking can mean eating foods you enjoy, that (nutritionally speaking), love you back! 8 Snack Smart Read nutrition panels, so you can find tasty pantry staples that don’t come with a huge load of salt, sugar or saturated fat. As a guide, aim for: • less than 15g added sugars per 100g • less than 3g saturated fat per 100g • less than 400mg sodium per 100g and end up with snacker’s remorse). Need more information on mindful eating? See this fact sheet from Eating Disorders Victoria (Download here). Snacks high in fibre (more than 3g per serve) and containing protein (e.g. nuts, legumes or dairy products) will satisfy your hunger and keep you going longer. } } Invest a little extra time prepping nutritious snacks for the day ahead. Try to avoid using snacks to alleviate boredom or stress. If you need some down time, maybe a herbal tea or hot drink (see page 15), will fit the bill. } } Adjust your snack options according to hunger and activity levels. Sometimes you might need something really fortifying. Other days, a simple piece of fresh fruit is enough. Top 5 snacking hacks: } } Make sure you’re drinking enough water through the day (sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger). } } Listen and respond to your body’s hunger cues, by eating when you feel hungry. Try not to wait until you’re absolutely famished (when you’re more likely to make rash snacking decisions, eat too quickly, } } Sometimes foods (like a piece of cake or a sweet biscuit) do have a place in balanced eating. They don’t need to be banned completely, but should be eaten occasionally, rather than every day. YMCA HEALTHY LIVING MAGAZINE AUTUMN 2019 Healthy snack ideas • A handful (¼ cup) of dried fruit, nut and seed mix, or unsalted nuts. • Dips with veggies sticks (see page 11). • Goji Oat Slice (see page 9) or Homemade energy balls (page 10). • Roasted chickpeas, fava beans or edamame. • Make your own veggie crisps (see page 9). • Hard boiled egg with wholegrain crackers. • Wholegrain crackers with dips, cheese, avocado or nut butter. • Pre-prepped containers of oats with Greek yoghurt and chopped fruit. • Small tin of low salt baked beans (approximately 130g). • Muesli bar – check the nutrition info panel. Aim for at least 3g fibre, and less than 6g added sugars per serve.