YMCA Healthy Living Magazine, powered by n4 food and health (Autumn 2015) | Page 13

in a fruit salad or use it in cakes or make some jam. perfect accompaniment to roast pork. Unsweetened apple sauce can also be a substitute for butter or oil in baking. Pomegranate These babies have a hard leathery skin that surrounds many kernels, each with a tiny edible seed. They can be a bit of nuisance to extract the seeds but the burst of flavour that comes with them makes the clothes-staining process worth it. Pears Like the apple, pears come in many varieties and colours, including Bosc, Corella and Packham. And they are a good source of vitamin C and dietary fibre too. Enjoy fresh as a snack, poached in earl grey tea for a wonderful addition to pancakes or porridge, or even add it to your salad. Like the apple, pears can be included in wonderful pies, tarts, crumbles and cakes. I particularly enjoy sliced Corella pear on a cheese and cracker platter. Persimmon These round shaped fruits you’ll find later in the season near the passionfruit and other tropical wonders. When ripe they are bright orange with a green stem. Their orange flesh has a spicy and sweet flavour, similar to the mango and papaw. Persimmons are an excellent source of Vitamin A which helps maintain normal reproduction, immune function and of course, helps us see in the dark. They are also a good source of Vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant and stops the formation of damaging free radicals. Plus like the others, you’ll get a good punch of vitamin C and dietary fibre too. But how do you eat it you ask? Like an apple, or serve with yoghurt, Pomegranates are a good source of vitamin K, which is important for normal blood coagulation; and vitamin C and folate, which plays an essential role in cell division and foetal growth. Eat fresh, or as a garnish on yoghurt, salads, homemade pizzas and desserts. Quince The quince is a member of the apple and pear family, with the addition of a fury skin. The flesh is very hard & bitter, and not recommended to be eaten raw. Including quince into your fruit bowl is another way to get some vitamin C, vitamin E, dietary fibre and potassium. They are high in pectin, which makes them excellent for making jams and jellies, but they can be roasted, baked and stewed too. I saw porridge topped with poached and stewed quince frequently on my Instagram feed last year, so maybe this is something I’ll try this season. So, really, Autumn is sounding pretty great. I’m very much looking forward to my Grandfather’s stewed Granny Smith apples which, no doubt, will be topping steaming porridge bowls and filling Sunday night desserts! AUTUMN 2015 YMCA HEALTHY LIVING MAGAZINE 13