youth ministry up in prayer. Her biggest
supporter is her husband who gives her
his support, encouragement, suggestions
and unconditional love which allows her
to be able to serve full time with youth.
Lesa also had trouble mentioning
one person saying that there are so
many adults throughout the church are
involved with the youth ministry, some
are youth leaders and others are just
involved adding “we are friends and we
choose to be there for them.”
help. “We have collected items for ‘Hobo
Boxes’. I know the name isn’t politically
correct, but it’s what the youth started
calling them and it stuck. We collect travel
size hygiene items, snacks, water bottles,
and fun goodies, include a McDonald’s
gift card, a homemade card from the
youth group explaining God’s love for
them, and put it all into plastic shoe sized
containers decorated with stickers, bible
verses. We discussed how to approach
folks with caution, then went to an area
of downtown to give them away. Each
Connection Stuff question - youth also took 2 boxes to keep in their
What app do you use the most family car to give away at another time. “
in your ministry life?
Krista named YouVersion Bible. Me Stuff question - What hobby
When it is used during group times she do you do that brings you joy
finds that teens are also checking out and relaxation?
other things that are on their phones but
Krista Young named reading a
they are also able to compare versions novel, walks, and her latest surprise of
and assign Bible reading plans.
finding joy in gardening. Lesa Bowman
also loves to walk with her dog and talk to
Do Stuff question – What is that God this way but she also mentioned that
“one” servant project that your her two teenage sons are her hobb H[??[?]??\?]?[??^?]Y??K??X??][??O?B???\?H???X[?]\?H[??X[??\?ST?