YH OCT-NOV 2019 | Page 57

It has been impressed upon me by Spirit to share my experiences, to bring truth and clarity to the problems which need to be addressed and solutions to be implemented, otherwise the centre we have placed so much emphasis on for healing and liberation of the Self through Yoga-Divine Union, will be lost. We are living in one of the most essential time periods of the awakening and evolution of this planet. Earth changes are a call to action. I am encouraging you to let go of things that no longer serve you and to learn more about your gifts and hidden abilities. It is vitally important to be working as a healer and lightworker, the next step in the path of a yogi. It is also important to acknowledge the call to work together, the outcome of unity and collaboration being abundance. Invest in work or service which makes the world a better place, improves the lives of others, and elevates those you touch to a higher level of consciousness, inspiring more positive action and a rippling effect. “What we ‘do’ and who we ‘touch’ has a rippling effect” - IndiPam Oct./Nov. 2019 www.yogicherald.com 55