YH Jan2018 | Page 72

spirit NEAR DEATH EXPERINCE FORGIVE Give up hope for a different past. What’s done is done. Let it go. I don’t condone some of the things my wife did to betray me, but if I keep rehashing them in my mind, I only become angry, which does me no good. I cannot change the past. By focusing on the present I am happy, because we have each committed to mending our marriage and the relationship we have built now is so good. Moreover, I have recognized my part in driving my wife to do the things she did, so I cannot blame her entirely, either. To move forward, I had to forgive myself for my faults and change them. LOVE Be fully present when talking with your significant other. Put down your phone. Turn off the TV. Close your computer. Give him/her your undivided attention. We now have an understanding in our home. After 6:00, when my wife comes home from work the “office is closed.” I don’t answer calls or get on the computer for the rest of the evening. It is “our” time. Mudita. Before my NDE, my marriage was what I call “vertical.” I was the head of the family, and everyone, including my wife, was below me. Although my wife had a successful career of her own as a family dentist, I expected her to shop, cook, take care of the children, and cater to my needs and wants. If we were going to do something together, we almost always did what I wanted- my choice of restaurant, movie, vacation spot, etc. My wife was unhappy and lonely, but I never knew it (or cared to know it) because she never felt safe enough to tell me that. Now I am much more sensitive to her desires, and follow her lead more often than not. Making her happy is now my happiness (and I have grown an appreciation for so many things that I might not have experienced otherwise). The Sanskrit word “Mudita” describes feeling joy in another person’s happiness. If you can be truly happy for another person, your heart will be full. HEAL Meditate. If you are angry or in despair, find a meditation that works for you - a simple breath meditation, perhaps - and discipline yourself to meditate (or recite a prayer, if that resonates with you) on a regular basis to help find a calm removed from the emotional overwhelm you are feeling. When you elevate your level of consciousness in meditation or prayer, the pain of the trauma lessens so that you can begin to heal. Give selflessly. The Sanskrit word “Seva” describes a kind of love in action. When you help someone without any 70 YOGIC HERALD JAN 2018