YH JAN-FEB 2019 | Page 48

MEDITATION WE MUST ALSO CULTIVATE THE RIGHT ENVIRONMENT. HAVING A QUIET PLACE WITHIN WHICH TO MEDITATE IS IMPORTANT. enlightenment is reached and the person will just maintain that meditative space wherever they go. They will never lose it no matter what the circumstance. They will always be in a state of peace and harmony, what is known as Samadhi in the Hindu scriptures. Very few people have reached this point. The world offers so many distractions that can affect not only the consistency of our meditation but the quality as well. Meditation requires a certain stamina, so if we burn out through late night parties, if we overeat, or if we experience too much stress at work, it is guaranteed that our 46 www.yogicherald.com Jan./Feb. 2019 meditations will be heavier and more shallow, and we will either fall asleep, or we may be so fidgety that it will not be possible to sit quietly for any length of time. In order to have enough stamina to meditate consistently, we have to take care of our body temple. Thankfully, there are other tools that we can use to get the body ready for meditation, such as hatha yoga and pranayama (breathing exercises). Taking care of the body temple is critical. In meditation, we cultivate a state of calmness and alertness, a tricky balance for the person who is too tired or agitated to meditate effectively. If we are to maintain consistency in our meditation practice, our lifestyle needs to be adapted for that purpose. It is actually an interactive process: the more we meditate, the more refined our lifestyle becomes; and the more refined our lifestyle becomes, the easier it is to maintain the practice. We must also cultivate the right environment. Having a quiet place within which to meditate is important. The more you meditate in a certain place, the more the space will open there. The atmosphere will be quite beaconing. It can also function as a trigger. When you step into that space, the mind will know to let go, and the spirit will be ready to fly. Finally, I would say, be gentle with yourself. Expand your meditation practice in a way that works for you. If you find you are distracted or your body will not cooperate, you should know that you have been cultivating other grooves throughout your life, so it may take time to alter your mindset and lifestyle in a way that promotes going inward and connecting with the deepest part of your Self.