YH JAN-FEB 2019 | Page 45

SOME DAYS AND TIMES MAY FEEL MORE MEDITATIVE THAN OTHERS, AND ONE SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SUCH OPPORTUNITIES. Meditating before going to bed is actually helpful for a restful sleep. In fact, I never wake up in a grouchy mood if I meditate before bedtime. Our state of mind in the morning is very much influenced by our activity just before sleep. If you watch television, the scenes will imprint upon your mind, and will likely influence your disposition into the next day. If you meditate then peace will pervade the mind at night. and close your eyes for five minutes while in an office; while relaxing in your favorite easy chair; while sitting on a park bench; or while listening to a church service. There are many opportunities for turning within, and taking a dip in the Consciousness. In terms of consistency, it is better to meditate at the same time each day, so that a groove can be cultivated in the mind. Morning and night meditations have different textures. However, if one is tired and meditates late at night, they may not have enough stamina to maintain alertness. On the other hand, the mental field is especially calm at night, so the ambience is certainly conducive for entering into deeper states. The twilight hours are special times when the atmosphere is generally more peaceful. Some days and times may feel more meditative than others, and one should take advantage of such opportunities. It relates to the rhythms and sensitivities of your own system, but also to changes in the atmosphere. I am not just speaking about factors such as air pressure and weather fronts, but also the "subtle atmosphere" that is not detectable by any physical senses. I am referring to the different lokas or planes that interpenetrate physical space, and which have a profound effect on our subtle bodies. These are precious openings to the higher planes. Sensitive people, particularly experienced meditators, will feel more spaced- out during such periods, and closing the eyes for only a few minutes will yield some very deep states. So how does one ensure that they maintain consistency in their meditation practice? The answer might surprise you. It is by training the mind to adopt a different habit of behavior. We develop all kinds of habits, from brushing our teeth, to watching certain shows on television, to consistent patterns in our way of thinking and reacting. These kinds of mental "grooves" bring order and structure to our lives. We just need to create another type of groove in the mind, one that turns our attention inward. Jan./Feb. 2019 www.yogicherald.com 43