YH December 2018 | Page 80

AYURVEDA C ow is called and worshiped as the Gau Maata in India because milk, ghee, urine and even dung of cow have tremendous medicinal properties(Panchgavya). In Ayurveda text Ghee means Cow’s ghee, Urine means cow’s urine, oil means sesame oil and Ann means Barley and so many references are available in our classical text about the properties of ghee, moreover medicine amalgamated in ghee that were in extensive use by our ancient physicians. show that the quality of Gau ghrit is safe and effective for human consumption. It has a very good anti cancer and anti viral properties. Much has been discussed about Cow’s ghee by the western as well as Indian media. People are being advised not to take ghee in their diet as it leads to the blocking of arteries. Ayurveda acharyas were very much clear about the scientific advantage of Gau Ghrit over vegetable oils. Here are some references- Charak clarified the use of Cow’s ghee as- “Cow ghee promotes memory, intellect, and power of digestion, semen, ojas, Kapha and fat. It alleviates Vata, pitta, toxic conditions, insanity, consumption and fever. It is the best of all the unctuous substances” (Ch Su: 27/232).” As per( API,Part-1Vol-VI) Ayurveda properties of ghee are as follows- Rasa : Madhura Gu¸a : Guru, Snigdha, Mirdu Veerya : Seeta Some of the Classical Ayurveda preparation using cow ghee are- Triphala ghrit, Ashoka Ghrit, Brahmi Ghrit, Changeri Ghrit, Amritaadi Ghrit and Eladi Gutika. Cow ghee is recommended as vehicle for so many classical ayurvedic medicines. Several scientific studies Vipaka : Madhura Charak Samhita Karma : Agnideepana, Anubhisyyandi, Ayushya, Balya, Cakshushya, Deepana, Hidya, Kaantiprada, Medhya, Ojovardhaka, Rasayana, Rucya, Shleshmavardhana, Snehana, Shukravardhaka, Tejobalakara, Tvacya, Vatapittaprashamana, Vayaasthapna, Vishahara, Virsya. THERAPEUTIC USES Hyperacidity , Otalgia , Debility due to chest injury, Intoxication, Syncope, Headache, Loss of memory, Emaciation, Mania / psychosis, Intermittent fever, erysipelas, Disorders due to poison , Pain in female genital tract. Chemical composition and analysis of Cow’s ghee as per modern chemical parameter is also important to show the world about the utility of Ghee. 78 www.yogicherald.com Dec. 2018