YH December 2018 | Page 74

YOGA The four primary divisions of yoga There are four main branches as specified in the Bhagavad Gita and of late there is a multiplicity of combinations thereof. The four main systems are 1. Karma yoga as the path of selfless work or action in the world 2. Jnana or Buddhi yoga as the path of discernment, knowledge and intellectual endeavor 3. Bhakti yoga as the path of love, devotion or surrender 4. Raja or Dhyana yoga as an eight limbed path of discipline emphasizing meditation. The eight subdivisions of raja yoga include 1. Yama the five abstentions of violence, untruth, theft, illicit sex and possessiveness. 2. Niyama of the five observances of purity, contentment, austerities, study and surrender to God. 6. Dharana concentration or fixing the attention on a single object 7. Dhyana meditation 8. Samadhi super conscious state or trance 3. Asana means 'seat' and originally referred only to seated postures but have come to include the whole gamut. Thus we see that asana, which is what Hatha Yoga primarily concerns itself with, is but a small fragment of the enormous content of Yoga. 4. Pranayama the control of vital breath through various breathing exercises The multiple divisions of current yoga 5. Pratyahara a reversal of the sense organs by turning them inwards rather than outwards Nowadays, one finds several types of yoga depending on the interpretation of the teacher and their lineage as also on the specific techniques being used. They include mantra yoga where sound affirmations or chanting is used, kundalini yoga focusing on the chakras and the energy coiled in them, tantra yoga focusing on the union of masculine and feminine energies, kriya yoga as given by Mahavatar Babaji — Paramhansa Yogananda, integral yoga a combination of the four main schools as given by Sri Aurobindo, nitya yoga, maha yoga, purna yoga, natya yoga, anahata yoga, tibetan yoga, sahaja yoga, etc. It is an almost never-ending list. Also there are countless links to the terms I mentioned here so I choose to give none! 72 www.yogicherald.com Dec. 2018