YH APR-MAY 2019 | Page 58

MIND MANAGEMENT All of the inspired ideas we receive, as well as the negative thoughts we produce, are stored in the same Field of Potential Probabilities. It is up to us to determine which ones we access based on the vibrations we are producing in any moment. When our emotions resonate with the same vibrational frequency as our Higher Self, we are able to interpret those vibrations in the form of inspired ideas. This is what happens when our thoughts are in the Present Room. When our emotions are not in alignment with our Higher Self, we are interpreting vibrations based on what we see and hear in the form of resistant thoughts. This is what happens when our thoughts are in the Past and Future Room. In the movie The Greatest Showman, P.T. Barnum, played by Hugh Jackman, physical body, our thoughts can be in one of three places, and each place leads to a different experience of life. Higher Self. That is the singular cause of the negative emotions we feel in the Past and Future Rooms. THE PAST ROOM: THE PRESENT ROOM: When our thoughts are in the Past Room, we continuously think of events that have caused us to feel negative emotions based on what we perceive others to have said or done to us...or us to them. We tend to dwell on those thoughts which further perpetuate the negative emotions they generate. Resentment, guilt, anger and shame are a few of the emotions we feel when our thoughts are in the Past Room. Instead of looking at what is, this is when we focus on what can be. There is an absence of negative thought, so there is nothing preventing us from feeling our connection to our Source. The love that we feel when we are in communion with our Higher Self is the feeling that allows us to attract into our lives that which we desire. THE FUTURE ROOM: This is when we think about all the things that can go wrong and we focus on the worst-case scenarios. We look around at what is, and we project the image of what we don't have into the future. The feeling of stress and anxiety that this creates is what actually pushes away the very things we desire. When our thoughts are stuck in the Past or Future Room, we are constantly seeing the world as separate from us, so we feel the separation from our own 56 www.yogicherald.com Apr./May 2019 If we are going to observe which room our thoughts are in, we need to better understand the thoughts that we are observing: A thought is a vibration that is stored as energy in a Field of Potential Probabilities, waiting to manifest. This field of energy has had many names. Sometimes it is called Divine consciousness, prana, or the Akashic field. Other times it is called the quantum vacuum, ether, or the zero- point field. No matter what name you apply to it, it is the Source energy that makes up all there is.