YH APR-MAY 2019 | Page 26

MANTRA BEST MANTRA Practices I  e lure of connection is a compelling one, indeed, but I prefer to connect to my Self so I can have more presence for connecting with others later in the day. With the constant inflow of sensory data that we are subjected to in our ordinary modern lives, the mental digestive power of mantra meditation is an e ective, often critical savior of mental health! 24 www.yogicherald.com Apr./May 2019 [ [ [ [ [ n this busy modern life, very few of us have the freedom to meditate regularly under ideal conditions and at ideal times. meditation is an effective, often critical savior of mental health! Before Sunrise On an empty stomach By a holy river or on a sacred mountain Under an auspicious astrological configuration With no external distractions For modern yogis̄ , the most important thing is to do your practices before engaging with the outside world. I prefer after coffee, before looking at my phone, with all of it’s emails, WhatsAPP messages and Facebook notifications. They pull my attention in a hundred different directions before I’ve pulled it inward to my Self. Instead, if you crave the mental peace that comes from a mantra practice, you can still have that satisfaction even under less-than-ideal (or traditional) circumstances. With the constant inflow of sensory data that we are subjected to in our ordinary modern lives, the mental digestive power of mantra After Coffee, Before Email If I start my day scattered, before creating the conditions that allow me to listen within to the voice of my heart, the whole day proceeds on a less-than- ideal note. I’m reactive, rather than creative.