YFU Handbooks | Page 21

••Students should be aware that any file stored on the host family computer is not considered private. Students should not store anything on the host family computer that they do not wish to be viewed by host family members. ••Students should be aware of the danger of internet predators. Predators can become a threat when a student communicates with strangers over the internet. Never reveal personal information, such as school name, home town, contact information or pictures. Never agree to meet someone in person who you met in an internet chat room. ••Students should not use violent, offensive or sexually suggestive photos, screen names or language on the internet. These can result in the student being asked to leave their host family and/or school placement. In such cases, YFU may need to recommend an early return to the home country. ••Pictures or videos depicting nudity or sexual acts must never be viewed, downloaded, or sent electronically. This is a serious crime in the US that can result in the student being arrested, charged with internet pornography, and sentenced to jail. Do not open such files sent by friends from your home country. Recommendations to the Host Family: ••Host parents are encouraged to discuss safe ways to use the internet with their students. ••Host parents or school personnel may choose to monitor their student’s personal web pages and other internet use. Although such monitoring is common and legal in the US (if the activity is on a host family or school computer), it may be considered an invasion of privacy in many cultures. YFU requests that host parents always notify the student before checking computer activity. ••A student’s own laptop computer is private property, and neither YFU host families nor YFU representatives are permitted to violate student privacy by examining personal records or correspondence. However, YFU host families and representatives can ask a student to surrender the laptop as a con ][ۈو