YFS Magazine Issue 1 | Page 37

N' KI IC K HOW OFTEN WILL THE SHOW BE BROADCAST? THE BAWS YFS is moving into broadcast media with an online TV show. TELL US A BIT ABOUT WHAT THE SHOW WILL FEATURE. Essentially there are three key elements to Kickin’ The Baws Firstly there will be a studio section, featuring three presenters who will by leading the show in front of a live studio audience. We will also be asking bands to appear in the studio to perform live music. Secondly, there will be team challenges every episode. This might include penalty challenges or kick up competitions that we will ask different youth football teams in Scotland to take on. The final part of the show and something that we’re very excited about is the sketch show element. Each Kickin’ The Baws broadcast we will be following the antics of Julie Norton, Stacey Broon, James Fox and Serious Steve four characters who share a passion for football but differ in a number of hilarious ways. WHEN DOES IT START AND WHEN WILL KICKIN’ THE BAWS BE AVAILABLE TO VIEW? We’re hoping to have the show up and running by the end of November and from then on it will be available to view either on our YouTube channel or on the website at our url www.kickinthebaws.com An episode every six weeks or so is what we are aiming for. The running time of each episode will differ depending on the content but the sketch show characters will remain constant with each sketch show taking an episodic form. WHAT COMPARISONS WOULD YOU GIVE BETWEEN KICKIN’ THE BAWS AND OTHER WELLKNOWN SPORTS/COMEDY SHOWS? We certainly have drawn influences from shows such as Soccer AM, A Question of Sport and even TV sitcoms like Gary Tank Commander with regards to the sketch character side of things. Saying that, we feel that what we are producing is unique, as it is centred on the topic of Scottish youth football. While it’s important to draw inspiration from