Yev's Educational Works Volume 1 | Page 2

Collaboration and Digital Portfolios


Collaborative learning and digital portfolios are a perfect example of our class (AHE 523). In this class we (the students) collaborate almost on a daily basis. We are assigned individual projects while using technology to present them. When wee done with our assignments we post them on blackboard for discussion. During this stage all who are interested posts their comments and suggestions on improvement. This type of learning has been very unique and useful in my opinion. In fact I have never taken a class that has been so fun and at the same time I have learned a lot of information. I think we all have learned so much in the short amount of time we were here. All of our completed projects then go into the digital portfolios were we can display and collect all of our assignments. These digital portfolios exist in the virtual world where everybody (the entire world) can view and learn from. This is just one example of collaboration and digital portfolios.

Photo by Zephyrance Lou