Yer Tiz May 2014 Vol 37 No 5 | Page 7

Send your news, articles and notices to [email protected] WI This is a short account of our AGM. The financial statement was presented by Lesley Adam, and was unanimously adopted. The Committee's Annual Report was presented by Pat Ruffell, followed by the President's report. The President, Jean Kain, thanked the Secretary for her report, and it's adoption was unanimously accepted. Margaret Evans was elected to replace Margeurite Braithwaite (who has left Atworth) and the remaining members of the Committee were re-elected en bloc. There being no other nominations, Jean Kain was re-elected as President. Isabel Boyle then offered a vote of thanks to the outgoing committee for their work during the year. A party was held following the AGM to celebrate Margeurite Braithwaite's 90th birthday. We are all very sorry that she is leaving us to live nearer to her son in Yeovil. Margeurite gave a farewell speech, thanking the members who had baked birthday cakes for her, and said she has already contacted a W.I. in Yeovil. There followed a quiz organised by Cynthia Canfield, which was won by Pam Loosemore. The May meeting is a discussion as to which of the Resolutions put forward for the NFWI AGM we should support. The W.I. are responsible for picking up litter in the village. On Saturday 29th March I "followed" a trail of a tangerine from the middle of Bradford Road to the garage, where some body had eaten 3/4 of it and left the rest on the pavement! Please take your litter home. JEAN KAIN Over 55’ Afternoon Tea The Over 55s Afternoon Tea was an Easter Special sponsored by SuperJam . We enjoyed songs from Joe and Julian of “All You Need Is The Beatles” . Summer hats, daffodils, sunshine streaming in through the windows while we joined in singing “All you need is love” made for an idyllic afternoon. Happy days! At the end everyone took home a free jar of SuperJam. Thank you to everyone who helped and to everyone who came along. The is an occasion for all 55s and over to meet together for an enjoyable afternoon of tea, coffee and cake. It is a relaxing and friendly event. The next one will be held on Wednesday 14th May 3.00pm - 4.30 pm at the Atworth Institute/ Village Hall. If you haven’t been before, please come along. You will be made most welcome. If you are unable to come this time, the following Afternoon Tea will be on Wednesday 11th June at the same time and venue so just call in. If you need transport that’s no problem as a lift can easily be arranged by phoning 01225 702228. Kind regards Effie Yer Tiz Atworth Village Magazine—May2014 Page 7