Send your news, articles and notices to [email protected]
Summer will be with us soon and like everyone else I am looking forward to sitting in
my garden, enjoying a glass of chilled wine or maybe a cold beer. This is a pleasure
that we all work very hard for in our gardens and nothing beats the smell of the flowers
as the sun dips lower in the sky.
So please, if you intend to have a bonfire, give consideration to your neighbours and
maybe have it later in the evening when the sun is down, or early in the morning
before it is warm enough to sit out.
It is such a shame to settle down into the garden chair to be enveloped in thick acrid
smoke a few minutes later which seems to last for hours. Let me quickly say that this
does not happen to me as my neighbours are considerate and aware of others
pleasures, and bonfires are always lit after sunset. It happened when visiting another
villager as we settled back to enjoy the afternoon warmth last year, - there wasn't that
much. It just takes a little thought!
I’m delighted to report speedwatch is back and working, with many numbers taken on
the first few sorties. They do still need volunteers so they can get on the street more
regularly and make more motorists aware that Atworth isn’t a village to ignore the
Get in touch with Alan Lee 01225 709295
Editor Paul Tyler
The Atworth Village Magazine
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SN12 8JY
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(Overseas: contact the Editor)
Yer Tiz Atworth Village Magazine—May2014
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