Send your news, articles and notices to [email protected]
The Chapel by the
Clock Tower
You will receive a warm welcome to any of
our meetings
Sunday services
11:00am except
3rd Sunday each month:
11:00am & 3:15pm followed by tea
2nd Friday each month: Coffee
Stop or Soup Lunch - times as advertised."
With two more Bank holidays to look forward to in May we trust you found time to
reflect on the Christian meaning of Easter. Here is a brief resume on some of the
activities held recently at the Chapel.
On Friday 14th March we again sat down to delicious homemade soup and cakes,
but in between courses we enjoyed a musical interlude from James Alsop. James
also recounted his early days of Church going eventually realising his need to
personally accept the Christian faith as his own. Now a College Lecturer, James is
considering full time ministry.
Those who gathered on Tuesday 18th March to hear Lt Col Stephen Smith, were not
disappointed. After playing the oboe Stephen gave an illustrated talk on his career in
the British Army from the time he left grammar school without taking any G.C.E.'s until
the time of his retirement when he was the leading bandsman. He considered God
was with him and led him all the way.
Our second "5th" Sunday Songs of Praise took place on 30th March, and those
gathered had a joyful time choosing their favourite hymns. A cup of tea and
refreshments were most welcome after so much singing!
The next Soup lunch will be on Friday 9th May when again there will be a musical
interlude between soup and cakes. If you haven't been before, you would be most
welcome - we commence at 12.15 p.m.
Rodney and Christine.
Atworth History Group
The April meeting of Atworth History Group was well attended and we had a very
interesting talk by Mr Booy. He was supported by his wife who operated the second
projector. Mr Booy started his talk which was about the 1914 war explaining the
various events that happened way back in the 1860’s that would eventually lead up
to the Great War. The dominant power in Europe was Germany along with the
Austrian Hungary group and it was Germany declared war against France and then
invaded Belgium that we became involved against Germany.
Our next meeting will be on the 12th May as the first Monday is a Bank Holiday when
the subject will be ’Crime and disorder in Victorian Bath,’ given by Dr Davis.
David Webb
Yer Tiz Atworth Village Magazine—May2014
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