YEO Policy Books 2015 Policy Book | Page 57

Safe & Supportive Schools: Banning Willful Defiance and Instituting Positive Behavior Intervention Supports Origin: San Francisco Unified School District Bill Name/Number: Resolution No. 1312-10A4 Link: Click here YEO Sponsor: Board of Education Vice President Matt Haney Summary: The Safe and Supportive Schools Act commits the district to fully implementing restorative practices along with positive behavior intervention and support over the next three years. Because “willful defiance” is a vague and highly subjective category in many school discipline codes, students can get suspended or referred to a school resource office (i.e. police in schools) for minor misbehaviors like talking back to a teacher. Talking Points & Important Information: • Educators and administrators are responsible for ensuring academic achievement; however, they often lack the appropriate intervention training needed to foster a safe, positive, and inclusive school climate that enables students to develop healthy relationships with adults, peers, and themselves. The Safe and Supportive Schools policy will deepen and extend positive tiered behavioral interventions and alternatives to suspension, increase instructional time, c