YEO Policy Books 2014 Policy Book | Page 95

Student Representatives on the State Board of Education Issue: Expanding Democracy Target Level of Office: State Policy Origin: Maine State Board of Education Link: Summary Narrative of the Policy: The Maine Board of Education works collaboratively with the Commissioner and Department of Education on a variety of issues from the qualification of Maine teachers, to approving school construction, and to ensuring up-to-date technology in Maine schools. Its mission is to “provide policy leadership that promotes a Maine public school system whose graduates will meet current and future learning standards, and to make recommendations” to the Governor and state legislature. The Maine Board of Education sought to include student representation on the Board and so sought collaboration from community youth, legislators, and private and civil society organizations to draft, pass, fund, and implement the language above. Relevant Talking Points & Important Information: • According to SoundOut, students were calling to be involved in local school boards since 1932 and an early movement took form in the 1960s. In the 1970s, dozens of districts and states across the nation began involving student representatives and Maine was the first to establish student representation on the state Board of Education. • Student representation on the Maine Board of Education ensures that the youth in state of Maine have a voice in educational policy at all levels. The student members not only listen and observe, but also provide meaningful input on issues brought to the Board. • Of the nine state board members – all of whom are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by a standing committee within the legislature – two are non-voting student members, one junior and one senior in high school. • Applications are sought from certain high school sophomores annually and the appointments alternate between Maine’s two Congressional Districts to maintain a balance of student representation across the aisle. The successful candidate is seated on the board when the sophomore year has been completed and will serve a two year term. Policy 2014 Book State Level 95