YEO Policy Books 2014 Policy Book | Page 45

Solar Panels in Schools Issue: Ensuring a Sustainable Future Target Level of Office: School Board Policy Name: Solar 4R Schools Program Policy Origin: Solar 4R Schools Initiative, Bonneville Link: Summary Narrative of the Policy: Developed by the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, Solar 4R Schools educates students, teachers, and community members about the science and benefits of renewable energy technology. Relevant Talking Points & Important Information: • Through a multidisciplinary approach that includes all members of the school community, Solar 4R Schools aims to inspire a new generation of clean energy leaders with the insight and innovating thinking necessary to solve our most pressing energy challenges. • Solar 4R Schools has two different programs, the Renewable Classroom and Renewable School projects. The Renewable Classroom is for schools interested in the classroom materials and teacher training that the Solar 4R Schools program offers; however, these schools are not seeking support for an on-site photovoltaic system. Renewable School offers the installation of a demonstration photovoltaic system at the school site in addition to relevant educational materials and support found in the Renewable Classroom program. And, Solar 4R Schools accepts project applications from public or private K-12 schools in the U.S. • Solar 4R Schools is focused on supporting a commitment to renewable energy education. With today’s American youth being the first generation projected to have shorter life spans than their parents, it is critical that we not only reassess what’s in our children’s lunchboxes but also the types of energy sources and pollution they’re exposed to. Clean energy is the way to go. Policy 2014 Book School Board 45