YEO Policy Books 2014 Policy Book | Page 35

Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act Issue: Ensuring a Sustainable Future Target Level of Office: State Policy Origin: California State Legislature Poilcy/Bill Number: Senate Bill 375 Link: Summary Narrative of the Policy: This chaptered law integrates a sustainable community strategy and environmental review into transportation planning and funding at the state level. Relevant Talking Points & Important Information: • California is a leader in green, sustainability initiatives. Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act, or SB 375, is the nation’s first legislation to link transportation and land use planning with global warming. According to the NRDC, California’s SB 375 is an important step toward a cleaner, healthier, and more prosperous California. • In order to ensure smart and sustainable growth, state programs should align with state development principles and goals. To that effect, California tied environmental sustainability metrics into its funding model. This law requires the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to establish regional goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions across all economic sectors, including land use and transportation. Each of the 17 metropolitan planning areas in California will have specific emissions reduction targets for 2020 and 2035, and all funding decisions for all regional transportation projects must align with the regional planning agencies plans to meet the aforementioned emissions goals. • By placing additional levels of scrutiny into infrastructure and funding planning, the state ensures that regional projects take a comprehensive look at needs, program efficacy, and environmental impact before proposing new costs or projects while maintaining air quality, emissions, and fossil fuel usage targets. Policy 2014 Book State Level 35