YEO Policy Books 2014 Policy Book | Page 32

Long-Term Funding for Mass Transit Issue: Ensuring a Sustainable Future Target Level of Office: State Policy Origin: California Department of Transportation Division of Local Assistance Poilcy/Bill Number: Local Assistance Program Link: Summary Narrative of the Policy: The purpose of this program is to provide local project sponsors with a complete description of the federal and state programs available for financing local public transportation-related facilities. Relevant Talking Points & Important Information: • With the 1997 State enactment of Senate Bill 45, the enactment of the 1998 federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, superseded by the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act, new programs and increased funding levels are available for local transportation projects. • California’s model of public-transit funding was born out of legislative action from the state and federal levels which: transfers transportation decision-making responsibility to those who are closest and best suited to address the problem; eliminates artificial constraints and barriers to programming; places state highways, local roads, and transit projects on equal footing for access to support costs; and provides incentives for regional accountability for the timely use of funds amongst other things. • Under this program, the role of local communities in the design of transportation improvement programs and selection of projects has continued to expand. Cities and counties are able to bring to the table cost-effective, environmentally conscious transportation projects that best suit the needs of their residents and neighbors, while the state ensures that all project plans consider metrics for air, water, congestion, and environmental concerns. 32 State Level Policy 2014 Book