YEO Policy Academies Clean Energy & Environmental Justice Pol. Academy | Seite 15

Detailed Agenda FRIDAY « FEBRUARY 19, 2016 Kerene Tayloe WE ACT Kerene Tayloe is currently the federal policy associate for WE ACT for Environmental Justice. In this role, she helps advance the federal agenda of WE ACT and the Environmental Justice Leadership Forum on Climate Change through lobbying members of  Congress and working with the EPA and other federal agencies. She is graduate of Florida A&M University College of Law. While in law school, she founded the Environmental Law Society, petitioned for more environmental law courses, and worked to institute FAMU’s first environmental justice symposium. She was also selected as a diversity fellow with the American Bar Association Section on Environment, Energy, and Resources. Most recently, she worked as an election rights fellow with the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, training over 100 attorneys and law students on state and federal election law and advocating for all citizens' right to vote. J.R. Tolbert Advanced Energy Economy 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM FIELD TRIP TO NATIONAL WIND TECHNOLOGY CENTER Clean Energy & Environmental Justice Policy Academy | 2016 J.R. Tolbert is senior director of state policy for Advanced Energy Economy (AEE). In this role, Tolbert oversees AEE’s state-level energy efficiency work and coordinates policy with nine of AEE’s state partner groups. Tolbert has worked on energy policy for 10 years for a variety of nonprofit organizations. Prior to joining AEE, Tolbert served as the executive director of the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators, a nonpartisan organization of state legislators committed to finding solutions to climate and energy issues. Tolbert graduated from Auburn University with a B.A. in political science in 2001, and is a 2008 graduate of Green Corps, the field school for environmental organizing. He currently serves on the advisory boards of the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators and the State Innovation Exchange. 13