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1BChapter 2 – All About Candida Yeast Infection
but all the while they are fixated on a single stream of scientific thought and
empirical research.
These doctors are under monstrous pressure from the drug and
pharmaceutical companies to prescribe topical treatments, creams, ointments
and antibiotics. The drug and pharmaceutical companies are the main fund
providers of yeast infection research, and they have all the interest in the
world not to admit that drugs are mostly worthless, harmful and expensive.
The main argument doctors have as to why there isn’t a link between diet and
yeast infection is that two individuals can eat the same food, yet one will have
yeast infection while the other stays clear. They simply ignore the fact that
there are other factors involved, and that doesn’t mean that a healthy and
balanced diet is insignificant to the treatment of yeast infection.
That is why most doctors limit their treatments to the use of drugs and
chemicals rather than listen to the voice of nature. Very few doctors have
gone through that leap of faith and become more associated with nutrition.
Unfortunately, they are rare exceptions.
The truth is we are all aggressively hypnotized on a daily basis. We are kept
in a state of fear because it sells more medicine.
The disturbing truth is that the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical
companies do not want to find a cure for a disease such as cancer, AIDS or
yeast infection. They want to keep on selling drugs that merely alleviate the
symptoms to keep you needy so you’ll spend more money, and they will make
more profit.
One of the fundamental mistakes of Western medicine thinking is its tendency
to classify many illnesses as genetic disorders. This approach leads many to
believe they are actually born that way with that certain disease, and there is
nothing they can do to fix it.
Copyright 2004-2013 Linda Allen – Yeast Infection No More
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