Yearbook 2016-17 yearbook 2016-17 | Page 56

Technology at its best BSS Online Comic Story Competition 2016-2017 Primary F-7/3 participated in BSS Online Comic Story Competition. The story se- cured 2nd position in the Intra Group Online Comic Story Competition and quali- fied for BNR Intra Region Online Comic Competition. Our students secured First position in the contest and qualified for BSS International Online Comic Story Competition. Our students got Consolation prize. The use of IT tool, story outline, Vocabulary and students’ creativity was Online ICT Competition Primary F-7/3 held a competition in December 2016. We invited the parents of Grade V to work in collaboration with their child on Edmodo. BSS Intragroup wordle Competition Primary F-7/3 hosted Intragroup Wordle Prediction Competition to foster the IT skills of students. Eight branches of SGOIII have participated in the competition. Students of F-7/3 Haider Askar , Ibrahim Irfan V-E and Aarish Noman V-F secured 2nd position. Well done boys!