Year of the Dog - AsBAA in Action Year of the Dog - AsBAA in Action | Page 8
Women in Aviation
What is your academic background?
The women of Asian Sky Group (ASG) come from various educational backgrounds,
studying in Hong Kong, England, Canada, Mainland China, India and the US.
Vrushali Suvarna, the newest addition to ASG, began her academic career knowing
she wanted to pursue aviation. Her degree is in Aviation Business Administration.
The rest of the team studied a variety of different fields from International
Management to Investment Management to Management of Real Estate and
Hospitality to Design, as well as English Literature, Translation and Interpretation, and
Regardless of where and what we’ ve studied, each of the 11 women on the team
have found a way to utilize our academic backgrounds within aviation.
What inspired you to work in aviation?
Some of us were inspired to work at ASG by travel, others by curiosity and some landed at the company by chance. Commercial Manager Jessie Ran,
who has worked with the company the longest, started out with ASG’ s shareholder company Seacor. When Seascor saw an opportunity to break
into business aviation, Jessie took advantage of the opportunity. Vrushali, who comes from ASG after working at Hongkong Jet, was most interested in
the company’ s consulting work, after seeing our work in the Fleet Reports.
All of us agree that aviation, particularly on this side of the world, is fast-growing, consequently more opportunities have opened in the industry
because of this.
Have you faced any challenges as a woman in aviation?
As women in a male-dominated industry, we have all faced different challenges. Vrushali, who
started her career in India, faced reactions of confusion when she shared her goals of going into
the industry. “What will you, a girl, do?” was the question she received.
The reality at ASG, where women make up over 50% of the team, is that women in aviation can
pursue a wide-range of roles, as such we must be educated about those different type