Year In Review | Page 8


“ Separation from friends and family , while at first welcomed , became a constant hassle and I often found myself curled up on the couch with a book when I couldn ’ t see any of my friends . However , as this 8th grade year started and things were looking up , so was I . I learned that my passion for learning and desire for success had not diminished during Covid , but had been suppressed ; re-igniting the flame only required that I participate in class . I discovered a drive to finish what I started ( however late it is ), that I hadn ’ t noticed before . With the beginning of 8th grade , I was able to rekindle my love for volleyball , and replace the negative vision I had of the sport with one of success . Finally , I was able to surround myself with friends that I hope will stick around past highschool . In my final years on Sheridan Road , I have come to know who I am without room for doubt . We , class of 2022 , have made it to the end , through struggles and triumphs . But we could not have gotten this far by ourselves . And so , teachers , parents , and peers : Thank you .”
Riley Murray A ’ 22 Commencement Address , Academy of the Sacred Heart
“ A personal and active faith in God , a deep respect for intellectual values , a social awareness which impels to action , the building of community as a Christian value , and personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom . This is where the goals have really shaped my life . They are present throughout sports , school , and most of all , in times of trouble . Most of us have been living through these goals since kindergarten , and Sacred Heart has taught us to never give them up , even in times where it seems difficult . For example , my family has been through a roller coaster of emotions . In 2018 , my mom broke her neck in an accident , and I went from not having a care in the world , to new problems to face every day . We have been blessed to have friends and family in the Sacred Heart community to help make everything just a little easier . The SHS community faced a new challenge by our side , and I am forever grateful .”
Matthew Denny H ’ 22 Commencement Address , Hardey Preparatory