NQ Dry Tropics joins Drought Hub
NQ Dry Tropics became a partner in the Tropical North Queensland ( TNQ ) Drought Hub , which aims to support regional farmers and communities to be more drought resilient .
Led by James Cook University , the Hub is one of eight created within major climatic and agricultural zones across Australia .
Through the the Hub , farmers , Traditional Owners , communities , researchers and business will come together to undertake research , development , extension , adoption and commercialisation activities .
The other partners in the TNQ Drought Hub are Southern Gulf NRM , Gulf Savannah NRM , Reef Catchments , Cape York NRM and Fitzroy Basin Association .
Marketing workshop helps farmers sell provenance benefits
Consumers are increasingly showing an interest in the origin of their food , and market trends suggest provenance and sustainability are growing factors influencing purchasing decisions .
To help producers take advantage of these developments , NQ Dry Tropics held a Marketing Local Produce workshop for farmers in the Bowen and Collinsville region .
The workshop was delivered by marketing , behaviour change and community engagement professional Tegan McBride , who helps farmers promote the benefits of their sustainable , locallyproduced food .
Attendees representing the horticulture and grazing industries shared ideas and experiences in producing food directly for the consumer market .
Pictured during a visit to Dreghorn Station are ( from left ) TNQ Drought Hub staff Jane Oorschot ( Program Lead – Building Human Capacity ); Rachel Hay ( Knowledge Broker ); Emily Harrington ( Coordinator ); and Simon Page ( Program Manager ).
Pictured at the workshop are : ( front , from left ) Leanne O ’ Sullivan ( Glenalpine Station ), Sharyn Bailey ( Limes & More ), presenter Tegan McBride , Michelle O ’ Reagan and Belinda Williams ( Stackleroth Farms ), and ( back ) Barry O ’ Sullivan ( Glenalpine Station ), Peter Arthofer ( NQ Dry Tropics ), Deb and Mark Perkinson ( Five Mile Station ).
Back ( from left ) NQ Dry Tropics Senior Grazing Field Officer Chris Poole ; Dreghorn grazier Eiren Smith ; Chris Pollard ( Assistant Director , Research and Adoption Program , Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment ).
This event was delivered through the Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator project , funded though the Australian Government ’ s National Landcare Program .