Year In Review 2017 Year In Review 2017 new | Page 27

Now that you have your book published , what kind of message are you hoping to send and what are you hoping people feel after reading it ?
I want them to know that they are not alone and that others have experienced the same type of feelings they are dealing with . I want to give people the feeling of hope . I also want them to feel positive shifts in how they are feeling about themselves as they go through the book . The book is not just words and stories ; it is packed with actions such as meditations and EFT scripts they can follow to release what have been holding them back , maybe for decades . I want them to feel lighter emotionally and see possibilities if they continue working on themselves and treat themselves with the vibration of love . It is not rocket science but it can be intimidating at first .
For people who feel inspired and who want to start growing their inner light , what are your three tips ?
Before giving examples I want to mention that our inner light is always there . It is right in our heart and soul ready to shine whenever we allow it to . But , through life we build up these walls around this light , wall of fear . The secret to really grow your inner light is to remove those walls and allow the light to shine freely . When we do our lives becomes completely different . You feel happy and almost in love .
• When you face a fear , problem , or a negative thought , approach it as if you are responding to a dear friend or your own child . It is amazing how kind and encouraging we are to others but to ourselves we often get stuck in negative thoughts .
• A more concrete way of attacking a fear that you might have is to write it down in the most extreme form . Put it up against the wall and ask yourself if there is anyone out there that has already done what you fear . You will soon realize that you have created this huge problem of something that is not that big after all . Break down your goal into smaller action steps , checking off a list creates excitement and momentum !
• While the two above are good physical ways to deal with a problem , it may not actually remove the root of where the fear or problem came from . To release that , it takes a little bit more emotional work . I believe EFT is an easy and effective method to use yourself or with a professional . If you deal with the root of the problem on an emotional level , you will reach far greater success .
BOOK AVAILABLE ON www . amazon . com
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