April 3, 2012: Where in The World: Scandinavia Business Values – Business Panel Discussion
A panel discussion on the business practices and values of Scandinavian corporations. The panelists discussed the unique methods and values of some of the most successful businesses in the Philadelphia Region. The panelist included Lars Bjork, President and CEO of QlikTech Inc.; Poul Jeppesen, President and Gunilla Nilsson, CFO of SKF USA, Inc; Kevin Gorman, General Counsel for SCA Americans; Margareta Ozolins, Swedish General Manager for Production at AstraZeneca; and Minna Mars, Partner at EarthRate.
promote his biography Yes, Chef!. The event was hosted by The Racquet Club of Philadelphia and was a collaboration between SACC-Philadelphia, First Person Arts, Taste of Norway, Scandinavian American Business Forum, and Karlssons Vodka. The evening included exclusive mingling with Marcus Samuelsson and thereaft \?H[??\?[??\?Y?HH??Y\?Q][?X[??]?[?????[?HLK?L??T?P??T[Y[XH]\???L???X?[X?\?