Year in Highlights 2014 ENG | Page 57


• Concept Note: 5th Forum of the Parliamentary Front Against Hunger in Latin

America and the Caribbean (in Spanish)

"This forum is important because we can exchange [ideas], we can learn; because there’s no country that has it all or knows it all. But if we join forces and work together, the positive experience of some are passed on to others and vice versa. So we can eradicate poverty entirely, [mal]nutrition."

María Cándida Sánchez Mora, Member of the Chamber

of Deputies of the Dominican Republic

"What has been most interesting for me is the exchange., because that is where one sees how far behind or how advanced we are on these problems in each of our parliaments. But at the same time, the deeper issue is that people become aware, that we obtain information from specialists who really appreciate the seriousness of the issue."

Marlene Madrigal, Member of the

Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica

"I think that this is especially important for parliamentarians because it exposes us to the experience of other countries from the perspective of the right to food: how it is being applied; how not only laws but policies are being developed; the actions; the engagement of the international community; and how we can fully guarantee the right to food in the first years of life for boys and girls. Today we have learned what happens and why we need to strategically focus on new generations."

Audelia Guadalupe López, Member of the

National Assembly of El Salvador