Year in Highlights 2014 ENG | Page 45

She shared examples of the types of practices that are driving systematic responses to some of the development crises in the region. Some of their most important characteristics are the prioritization of preventive methods, the upholding of the right to prior consultation with local communities, and coordinated action among the three branches of state power. Above all, it will be imperative to orient resources towards everyone who was left behind under the old development framework and guarantee them access to justice.

While there are many possible roads to reach the new sustainable development goals, the challenge for law- and policy-makers will be finding appropriate balances. It is not about finding the "right" answers, Ms. de Windt said, but finding those that have at their core respect for local culture, the human face of development, scientific evidence, and citizen participation. There exist countless well-constructed "soft law" agreements and standards that have been passed in the lead up to 2015. Now is the time to ground these, to consider the legislation necessary to uphold them, and to create the conditions for their implementation in the hemisphere.

"We are of the firm view that there must be regional cooperation."

"The global concern about climate change creates an opportunity to produce initiatives that should be promoted in parliament."

"I think that there are fundamentally only two big directions. You can have a system that is designed to make a profit for whoever is in the position to make the profit. And you can have a system that is designed to generate well-being, community."