Year 1 Sample1 | Page 2

PERSUASION MARKING GENRE GRID YEAR ONE Sentence Structure, Gramm ar and / Punctuation L:Vf'can write words on their own and together to express ideas. D I can use pictures to help me persuade. GV~an sometimes use a full stop. B Composition, Handwriting & Effect / .Q/j can write some letters and words that fit with the title. D Sometimes I need help to read th is to ? -teacher. m can separate words using finger spaces. [qj can separate words ~sing finger spaces. D 15anuse'I'. []/jcan combine words to make a ~ a n compose a sentence orally before writing it. . ~ sit correctly at a table , holding a pencil comfortably and correctly. sentence. ~ w D I can write simple· sentences in the p.resent tense. i fMy ideas are linked . ~ometimes use capital letters, full ~ps. . f2rl can join two sentences using 'and'. s P-'1ioin my groups of words with )Hld, but. .0" I can support my views with an yxplanation. · i f I use a variety of sentences. D I use adverbs and adjectives to h~ persuade. GJ/fy~e capital lett~rs for names. ITT sometimes use exclamation marks, questions marks and y mmas in lists. ~ I can use capital letters to sta~t a ~ntence. i f I can use capital letters for names. ' / ~ I can use an excla_mation mark. D I can use a question mark. S+ y writing includes some details. D T!).e words I use fit my title. !:B [g-1have included information to in~ s t my reader. ~can re-read what I have written to check it makes sense. Ld~n write a simple piece. ffSome of my ideas are grouped together. D I have shown that I have thoug ht about th~ layout of my piece of work. ~ e words that fit my topic . J:J-1" have told the reader how I think or ·~ seciu'ence sentences in chronological order to recount an ~nt or experience. efi can form lower case letters in the correct direction , starting and finishing · in the right place. ./ . - " Q--'lhave told the reader how I feel or what I think. D I can write a piece of persuasive writing. U) QJ t\O (0 a.