Ye Gorean Scroll Vol 1. Issue 2. | Page 9

Thank you all who attended the Hunters of Gor event. It was a lot of fun and a great success. The contestants were all excellent. The results for Hunter / Hunted are as follows:

Team 1: VillainousSleen / MrRiddick.

A close and exciting hunt with Riddick turning the tables by laying traps and retracing his steps to confuse the hunter. She was not swayed and the role play was intense and realistic. Villainous clipped her opponent with an arrow and avoided his attack with the boa. It was a near capture but in the end Riddick escaped. Riddick continues to uphold his reputation of never having been captured.

Team 2: Angiedeej / MasterSilverShadow

Very colourful and well rehearsed scripts depicting a man hunt complete with panther tribe, tracking sleens, and tharlarions. Shadow was the unsuspecting victim adding lots of humour. Angie was a tatrix learning to hunt and fatefully bringing home the only catch of the day. The outcome was romantic and touching (As far as getting crushed by a panther carcass and dragged away by a tharlarion goes :-) ) Shadow was captured and put on the cross.

Team 3: SnowflakeErmina / MaxwellThermidor

Fast paced action packed thriller. Again the hunted found creative ways to defend himself but was outwitted by the panther who was at the advantage of being in her own forest and stocking from the cover of the canopy of the trees. Max came very close to to defeating his opponent with powerful kicks but was caught off guard by her war hammer. Max was captured and put on the cross next to Shadow.

Team 4: VillainousSleen / CowboyFromHell1209

This hunt had one very interesting twist in that the hunter was captured by the hunted. It was a very close match all the way through until the hunter made one fateful mistake when she dropped her guard while stopping to drink from the river. Like an alligator, Cowboy surprised her by emerging from the river. She defended herself creatively but succumbed to the advantage of the sheer weight advantage of her opponent. Villainous, the only female, took a cross next to Maxwell.

See you again next year


Hunters of Gor Event, Hosted by JudyKianoga