Gorean Debate, hosted by MasterElricBellemort of Ar's Station
It is difficult, at times, to believe change is possible. Especially, when you have been around for awhile and seen how attempts at change seem to have caused more problems than solutions. Still, every so often, someone or something stirs us to give change yet one more chance. And sometimes... it even works.
The Gorean Debate of En'Kara 2016 is one such occasion, I think. A recurring event at the fairs over the past years, it has always strived to be a catalyst of change and unification. And this time, it may just have succeeded.
Our host had ensured things got off to a great start by setting an interesting agenda:
1. Should the RHSH list private RPs (Largely yes)
2. Can Typist's Rights be revoked / used as an excuse to void RP? (No, on both counts)
3. Should a typist be allowed to claim a Home Stone in RHSH while being a member of another city (not addressed)
Obviously, the debate was a matter of ideology and personal preferences as no participant or debate panel can (nor sought to) decide what happens in other people's RPs and groups. And while the majority views are noted above, it would be unfair to say these were conclusive. Views DID differ. In fact, only 2 of 3 items were addressed in the 3-hour long debate because the participants were so passionate about engaging one another in discussing these and other related topics.