Info and tools to help you keep your RP drama-free and fun. RACKR helps with all the nitty-gritty stuff, like ToS, IMVU policies, how to deal with harrassment. Home of Typist's Rights and the Community Calendar! RACKR also offers: info on RP etiquette, RP guides, useful articles written by IMVU Goreans, a breakdown of onlineisms verified against the books - You can even get free stuff for your HP and/or group page! The place to ask questions about Gorean RP!
GU Forum
Info board for those interested in requesting classes, talks or iRP sessions.
Joven Physician Group
Made by a Joven, not part of Joven RP. The group is for everyone interested in Gorean medicine, herbology, healing and poisons. Need info on cures and treatments? It's there. Need to know how to make a med kit? JPG has it. Fully book-verified with a HUGE encyclopedia of plants and ingredients used in Gorean medicine
The Central Kitchen
The perfect group for all food lovers and cooking enthusiasts! TCK is a growing collection of book-verified info and book-plausible research on the Gorean cuisine, housekeeping and dining customs. Add your own recipes and research or be inspired by others
Behind The Veils
Info for typists RPing Gorean FW chars or slave chars who serve FW. The group is a growing collection of valuable info on the life and doings of FW, from law to entertainment and dress codes. The group is a work in progress
- shhhhh, it's still a secret, but... we are launching a new group within the next week!