Ye Gorean Scroll Vol 1. Issue 2. | Page 2

Tal all! What a busy month it has been on Gor! The En' Kara fairs had a great turn out, with so many involved people of the community! This issue will be jam packed with tons of stuff from the fairs, so if you missed any events, you can get caught up here!

In each issue, I will include upcoming topics for the next months issue in my letter here to you all. So, be sure to check here for more information. I understand that some of you do not wish to join the open group for the planning of this paper and that is completely fine. If you have announcements or topic ideas or anything else to be addressed, please feel free to message me personally at any time! You can do that HERE.

As always, I hope you enjoy flipping thru this months issue of "Ye Gorean Scroll"! Lets get started.
