YDANCE Annual Report April 2021 [Final Version] YD CB5 June 2021 | Page 36

Because we connect with individual prisoners in their cells there is a sense that it eases the pressure on them in terms of how they behave in a prison environment . They can be true to themselves and express feelings that would be difficult to do in the open spaces of a prison environment or in the company of their peers .
The Juke Box project sees the Polmont radio station as a way of engaging prisoners in a personal development process that enhances learning and skills development . For some , the Juke Box was an opportunity to build a wide range of skills from research to broadcasting , as this feedback from a worker to a young person demonstrates :
K has been a regular listener and contributor to the show showing a passion to be involved and a real knowledge of music . The process in creating the music quiz was a joy … his responses were quick and regular and he provided a full list of questions very soon into the process which was brilliant . The questions really offered listeners an opportunity to find out about different types of music and this was a very conscious decision by him to include something for everyone , which is a brilliant example of K ’ s care and thought he had behind the segments he created .
Where young people faced difficulties , the workers would find ways to work to individual strengths , as the Project Coordinator explained :
We had one young man who could not read or write and failed to respond to any of our letters . Through working and pushing himself to achieve the Dynamic Youth Award , along with listening to the contributions people were making as part of Jukebox programme he started working on his literacy with the Barnardo ’ s Youth Worker and is now at a stage where he is hand-writing letters to express his thoughts and opinions and directly responding to tasks we set for him .
Joint working with Barnardo ’ s brought mutual benefits and support for all in providing the additional support required , as the youth worker added :