YDANCE Annual Report April 2021 [Final Version] YD CB5 June 2021 | Page 35

a segment on the climate change , creative tasks , and a Christmas joke segment . One young person designed a logo for the broadcasts and others came up with original songs .
Every week young people choose songs on a programme theme . This could be about family , where they live , their experiences , memories or hopes for the future . We explain a bit about the individual songs . Young people have an opportunity to add to the narrative if they want . The songs are then presented across the prison radio station .
What is fundamentally important to young people is they feel they have control of decisions making and choice in an environment where they have no control over many aspects of their lives .
Juke Box was broadcast to all 284 prisoners and Glass estimates to have engaged around 30 individuals more actively . A strength is that the Juke Box programme allowed Glass to connect with young people across the prison populations including mainstream and protected prisoners . Inherently collaborative and creative in nature , it reaches vulnerable young men , many of whom are dealing with trauma , literacy issues and anxiety , as detailed by the Creative Director :
Around 30 young people are involved in the project and that represents 10 % of the prison population and we think that 90 % of prisoners are listening to the programme every week .
Therefore , engagement through Juke Box has significantly increased the reach from the 10 projected in the original plan .
Workers felt that the universality and creative impact of music connected people . This was supplemented by the skills and conscious humanising approach taken by workers , such as using their name and referring to them in a positive way when playing their song requests on the radio . This has a positive impact on their confidence . The programme allows the young people to assert their own thoughts feelings and sense of identity related to the songs they choose and present .