YDANCE Annual Report April 2021 [Final Version] YD CB5 June 2021 | Page 23

segments in the future and listen to more talented people doing what they do best . I just want to say thank you for all the help through this period .
Outcome 4
Entered a positive destination 53 %
Remain or return to school 100 %
Improved attendance 47 %
Improved attainment
29 %
At the start of the project , one person felt that she was afraid of joining a dance class , but a desire to do so , led to her watching Tik Tok videos to prepare herself :
“ I wanted to join a dance class and was scared I couldn ' t do I started to watch you tube and Tik Tok during this whole lockdown and practice dances and exercise which I really enjoy I ' m hoping to learn more about dancing and get the chance to get going to a class .”
Another participant highlighted the transferrable team-work skills she sought , stating :
“ I hope to achieve teamwork with others and to dance with a big group that I may not talk to as much .”