YCL! March 2014 | Page 20

Contacts Check out the new website! We have a facebook page too! The Dreamcatchers Team: Jules Marshall- jules.marshall@youngdevon.org 07971044134 Anna Worrallanna.worrall@youngdevon.org 07966988289 Sarah Hubbard- sarah.hubbard@youngdevon.org 07970184365 Jacob Coburnjacob.coburn@youngdevon.org 07738706081 Ben Feaseyben.feasey@youngdevon.org 07718739570 Nicola Weeksn.weeks@bpag-encompass.org.uk 07713201187 Phil Borleyphilip.borley@stloyes.ac.uk 07595206523 Lucy Horrelll.horrell@bpag-encompass.org.uk 0797182411 Contact us at 01626 356720 www.youngdevon.org Find us at: The Change Academy, 6 market street, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2RB Registered office: 10 Erme Road Ivybridge Devon PL21 0AB. Registered charity No.1057949 A Charitable Company limited by Guarantee No.3240655