What am I entitled
to? This week: JSA
Local authorities support young people in and from care up to the age of
18 by paying for accommodation and living costs. If you are 16 or 17
and are in care then you may be able to claim benefits IF you are a
young parent and/or are disabled.
When you reach 18 local authorities MAY still give you some financial
support. But this cannot be your main source of income. You are expected to get your money from work and benefits (if you are eligible).
You should have a social worker or support worker from social services
who will keep in touch with you and give you support to achieve the
things set out in your pathway plan. Your pathway plan is a way for your
worker to identify with you the things that you want to achieve and how
they can help you to do so. This may include some financial help, employment or training.
Your entitlements
Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) gives unemployed young
people money to live on while they search for work.
Am I eligible?
If you are under 18 you can’t claim JSA because the local authority
should be paying for your living costs. If you 18+ you can claim for JSA
You are looking for a job.
You are working or studying for less than 16 hours per week (but
what you earn will affect how much JSA you get).