Yawp Mag Issue 29 The Five Humour Styles | Page 15

cing humour humour was related to fewer depressive episodes and is negatively associated with maladaptive schemas, when compared with self-report self-defeating humour (humour about oneself). This shows that having a positive outlook on life from a younger age might increase the likelihood that we will use adaptive humour styles, and potentially shape the way we view the world when we are older. My Ph.D research is examining the perception of humour styles. In one of my studies, I presented an audience with video clips (three for each humour style – affiliative, aggressive, self-enhancing, self-defeating and self-deprecating) and asked participants to categorize the videos into humour styles. Interestingly, selfenhancing humour was not selected as the most prominent humour style for any of the videos. This might be because this form of humour is internal and when expressed might be categorized as one of the other humour styles. For example, my condiments joke might be considered affiliative when verbalizing it to an audience because it is a nonthreatening, socially enhancing joke. This makes researching this humour from an