Yawp Mag Issue 28: Race, Culture and Humour | Page 23

Thursday nights Alana Rosso Before an act takes off internationally or even just around Australia, a couple of questions need to be asked of those involved. · Is it viable to be touring, success dependant? · Is this something that is financially affordable? · Do I/we actually have the time and resources to dedicate to touring? · Are we emotionally and professionally prepared to take our show on the road? The second question for the majority of newer performers is the most challenging to answer. The financial benefits of touring a show never really seem to breakeven to the costs, time and effort put into touring. Touring on the other hand is imperative in attracting new fans and raising awareness of the act. Registration Locally, registration fees for most Australian shows will be centred around the $300-$400 mark, depending on how long your intended season will be. This can be thought of as a flat rate for participating in a fringe or comedy festival. Taking the example of the Adelaide Fringe Festival, which is not dissimilar to other performing festivals nationwide, the registration fees cover listings in the festival guides as well as access to publicists and marketing materials. By paying the registration costs, the artist or act will be properly recognised as a feature in the festival and will subsequently have available offers to perform in showcases and larger festival driven programs. Registration fees have no way of being avoided should you want to participate in a festival, and may be easier to split if you perform in a group. Group performances: 1 Single artists: 0 Transportation and Accommodation Of course this varies dramatically depending on if