Yawp Mag Issue 28: Race, Culture and Humour | Page 13

Hing white, he’s middle-class, but his comedy is very in your face. But you can’t lob him next to Rhys Nicholson, who’s also white and gay, he’s super dirty, super funny, and just does his own thing. You can’t just say ‘oh they’re just gay comics’: they’re gay, but they’re comedians. They’re funny. They’re not the same person.” “To say you’re one type of comic… yeah you kind of fit a genre. I’m different from Ronny Chieng. I’m a different angry to Ronny, he’s very in your face, like ‘you’re stupid, go f**k yourself, I went to university’, whereas I know I’m not as clever as him and my anger is more physical. I’m more violent, whereas his anger is very intellectual. One of my jokes at the moment is, ‘I used to be a bouncer. Did you hear that? That’s half the men in the room thinking, ‘oh I can f*****g take him’’. And then the follow up is ‘yeah, f*****g bring it’. Whereas Ronny is more like, ‘let me tell you how stupid you are’. It’s totally different.”